Access Consciousness and the greatness of you

(one hour treatments)

Access Consciousness offers pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. What if who you are is far greater than anyone has ever acknowledged?

Access Consciousness is a worldwide movement you cannot join. It's about you creating you – not finding you. What if you can be, do and choose to be anything? Access Consciousness offers pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. Currently available in 173 countries the tools have contributed to changing the lives of more than 30 thousand people around the world for the past 25 years. Delivered through seminars, teleseries, books, audios and consultations, what most people love about it is that it actually works.

Access Bars – a simple body process that is changing the world

There are two things that will change anything in your life; choice and Access Bars.

The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything. Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.

During a Bars session a practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head over the course of an hour or an hour and a half. Touching the Bars allows for the electromagnetic charge that holds thoughts, feelings, and emotions in place to dissipate, allowing you to perceive your life, body and relationships with more clarity and ease.

For articles and info got to:

Access Consciousness - Body Whispering (working on the class)

Consider this your warm invitation to a totally different paradigm for healing, change and transformation.

What Topics Are Covered?

* Listening to & talking to your body and others

* Tools to change specific things - pain, tiredness, and other physical and energetic limitations

* Practices to work with your client in targeting what they are asking for

* How to support your client through anything

*  What to do when you get stuck 

* Tools to heal from a space of being you

Access Consciousness is a different point of view about life. It’s based on the idea that you’re not wrong, that you know and that consciousness can shift anything. It gives you access to the possibilities that exist when you no longer stick yourself and no longer believe that you are stuck. If you had total choice available, what would you create?

For articles and info got to: